Cat Breed-Siamese-

The Siamese Cat

Origins and history of the Siamese
Varieties of the Siamese
Ideal age of the Siamese
At birth, the Siamese dress is very light in color, almost white, and plain. It is only around 10 days of life that the darker parts of his coat appear. However, the final color is obtained only between 12 and 15 months.
The Siamese reaches adulthood at the age of one, and the older they are, the more their fur goes down. From the age of 8, the Siamese is considered as senior, and must receive a diet for older cats to ensure good health.
Behavior of the Siamese
The Siamese cat is often referred to as "cat-dog", an appellation justified by its behavior. Very attached to his owners, he stays close to them, at the risk of becoming a little invasive, constantly looking for signs of affection.
He is also active and likes to play, climb and jump. One of his best assets is undoubtedly his voice, with which he communicates in a sometimes funny way. His vocalizations allow him to attract the attention of his masters and to exchange with them, so much so that some even declare to converse with their Siamese.
The Siamese is characterized by its unusual dress, whose light areas contrast with the dark areas.
While the body is light beige, the mask, the ends of the legs, the ears and the tail are darker. There are, however, several variations in tone.
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