Cat Breed-Persian-

Persian Cat
Long-haired cats were unknown in Europe until around the middle of the 16th century. The earliest Persian ancestors were imported from Persia (present day Iran) in Italy in the 17th century by Pietro della Valle. Later, Nicolas Fabri de Peiresec, advisor in the Parliament of Aixen Provence, brought in France cats from Turkey (Angora type?).
These cats were very popular with the European aristocracy. Louis XV possessed a Persian white angora. In the first half of the 19th century, some "Persians", brought up in Italy and introduced to France and England, were crossed with "Persians" of Turkish origin. The first subjects were exhibited at the Crystal Palace in London in 1871. At that time, a breeding and breeding program was organized by British breeders. Crosses were made with Angora cats to improve the fur.
In addition, a systematic work was undertaken to extend the range of colors and patterns currently resulting in more than 200 varieties. Thus the smoked or smoked Persian, resulting from mating between black, white and blue Persians, is exhibited in Brighton in 1872.
The cat "Silver" was the first Persian Chinchilla exhibited in London in 1888. The color-point Persians, called Himalayan in the United States and considered a separate breed by the TICA and Kmehr (or Kmer) in Germany, appeared around 1920.
Tabby Persians, appeared more than a century ago, were exposed in Paris in 1927 under the name of " tigers ". Also in the nineteenth century, the English have selected the most massive cats, the roundest. In the United States, around 1930, the breeders obtained an extreme Bréviligne type, dubbed 'Peke Face'. The Persian, probably the most famous race in the world, probably participated in the creation of the sacred cat of Burma and the British Short-hair.
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Fur of great finesse with an elongated hair and undercoat. Coat dense, silky and long all over the body (average 10 cm and up to 20 cm at the collar).
All colors are recognized.Classic Uniform dresses (uni-colored without stripes or tabby marks). All colors (white, black, blue, red ...). The white Persian with pink nose and pads can have 3 eye colors: - Light blue: the most sought after and the oldest officially recognized. - Orange or copper. - Odd eyed: one light blue eye and the other orange. - Tortoiseshell and derivative dresses.
Combination of orange pigmentation hair patches and black hair patches. Normally, only females can be tortoiseshell. - Dresses whose base of hair is discolored: Persians smoked (or smoke). The root of the hair of a pure white, and its tip of a color as tinted as possible. The ideal proportion is: 1/3 of white for 2/3 of color. The most common are black smoke, blue smoke, chocolate smoke, smoke lilac, tortie smoke ... (tortoiseshell motif).
We talk about smoke cameo when the color is orange. - Two-tone dresses with white beaches. Among the recognized varieties, in association with white: black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red and cream. We distinguish: - the bi-color in the strict sense: the white covers between 1/3 and 50% of the body. - Harlequin: the white covers between 50% and 75% of the body. - Van: the whole body is white except for the tail, and 2 spots forming hoods encompassing the eyes and the base of the ears (cap).
Tabby dresses: - Marbled tabby (blotched tabby): wide stripes, front decorated with a characteristic "M", dark lines (mascara) on the cheeks, continuous necklaces on the upper chest, butterfly wings between the shoulders, rings around the legs and tail. Tabby tabby: narrow stripes, parallel to each other and perpendicular to a longitudinal line running along the spine. - Tabby speckled (spotted tabby) circular spots, evenly distributed on the belly. The hairs between the marks are agouti type (alternating dark and light bands). - Persian chinchillas and derivatives.
Originally a cross between a smoked Persian and a Persian silver tabby. General appearance of classical Persian but often with a smaller format, less brushable and a less massive head. Very clear dress with silvery reflection. Tipping (restriction of dark pigmentation on the end of the hair) represents 1/8 of the length of the hair cover. The base of the hair is white. Brick red nose, dark rimmed and green eyes.
Deran Persian silver shaded: base of pure white hair. Tipping on 1/3 of the hair's length (tin shade). We are talking about shaded silver dress. Persian golden shaded: base of apricot hair, black tipping.
Apricot shaded or golden dress. - Persian color-point: from the crossing of a Siamese with a Persian. He is a Persian dressed with the Siamese robe. Blue eyes. - Col-point Seal: beige body, dark brown markings. - Col-point Blue: white body, blue-gray marks. - Lilac color-point: white body, pink-gray markings. - Col-point Red: creamy white body, red marks. The kittens are born white. The marks appear around 6 months.
Calm, phlegmatic, sedentary cat, who is perfectly satisfied with an apartment life.
Sociable, peaceful, never aggressive, gentle and very affectionate, he manifests a great attachment to his master. He lives easily with his peers, dogs and children. Vis-à-vis strangers, he is more distant.
For his balance, he needs a quiet life. He supports loneliness. His meows are rare and discreet. Maturity is reached at 2 years old. His puberty is late (about 12 months). Low prolificity and difficult calving. Grooming (brushing, combing and washing) is a significant constraint.
The length of the hairs promotes the rapid formation of knots and wicks. It is therefore imperative to unravel the fur every day, moulting occurs in spring and summer.
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